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A Guide for Practical Use

Much is being said about e-participation of young people. But there are only a few projects and approaches that illuminate this young field and that can serve as models for further projects. Besides, only in very rare cases a pure “e-approach” will be applied. Youth work still mainly consists of a mixture of presence and online contacts. BarCamps bring the ideas of the web 2.0, of participation and contribution for everybody, to the offline world. That is why they are particularly suited for working with youth on (e)participation approaches.

In 2010 first innovators started to discover BarCamps as a format for youth work. However only a dozen actual YouthBarCamps have taken place within the last two years in German-speaking countries. One of the reasons for this is a lack of know-how about how the format BarCamp can be adapted to youth work.

YouthBarCamps offer great chances and challenges for young people. The present brochure draws these out and shows possible solutions.

(last updated: 2013)

* Keine MWST: IJAB ist eine Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts. Gemäß § 4 Nr. 12 und Nr. 21 bis 25 UStG handelt es sich um umsatzsteuerfreie Umsätze.